Saturday, December 26, 2009


This little guy/girl landed on the my cold frame plastic just as I had finished putting the plastic on the frame. I was getting ready to photograph the finished project...and I spotted this ittybittytinything....on the plastic. Not quite a honey bee...and not a bumblebee. It's a 'beetweener,' and no, this is not the scientific name. It the name I'm giving this little beeauty because I do not know what type of bee it is. The colors are what prompted me to put the cropped photo in my "ideas for drawing" folder. Sometime the idea stays in my special idea folder for months and even years...before it makes it to my "do it now" pile.

I was in the mood to draw on Christmas Eve day and spent most of the day doing fun creative a big kid with a coloring book....only better and more time consuming! I'm so pleased with my new bee graphic...

Friday, December 25, 2009

December 25

This drawing project has been a long time coming. The original idea for the window graphic came from a photo that I took while down in Seaside, Florida, with my sister, Jessica. We walked around the quaint town by the ocean, admiring peoples porches and windows and gardens...taking photographs and enjoying the mild temperatures. It was April and the confederate jasmine was in full bloom (an entire month earlier than our confederate jasmine blush here in zone 8). This window box caught my eye, with its gorgeous deep reddish orange geraniums...and a whimsical iron sculpture of a funny little man in the garden beneath the window (not pictured or drawn here). The photo wasn't all that good. But the window and the idea of using it for a drawing subject someday has stayed with me. Flash forward 8 years; took me awhile to sit down and begin the drawing....but I did...and I like it. The original is non-Christmasy without a cutout for the be used for note card art.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Free Meal

With gratitude to Wikipedia: "The Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) is a large wading bird in the heron family Ardeidae, common near the shores of open water and in wetlands over most of North and Central America as well as the West Indies and the Galápagos Islands."

When Mom was here, 'Great Blue' visited frequently but never for periods long enough to grab our camera and get a good photograph. Most of our windows have screens on them....and if you open the door to step outside and get the better vantage, GB will fly off, playing shy guy.

After Thanksgiving, Jeff did some serious fishing, hoping to catch enough to fix us all a tasty dinner. The fish were elusive and the few that Jeff caught were left alive to swim endless circles in the lake barrel.

Fast forward a week....Mom has returned to Idaho, Jeff & Abram are out hiking the Conecuh Nat'l Forest and Kim is home alone. I was able to capture these photos from inside the house, through the one window downstairs without a screen. GB was aware of my presence but nothing would deter him from capturing this free meal.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Abram is back from Afghanistan. Jeff and I are relieved and happy. I don't think I realized just how much I was holding my breath until after Abram came home. We had no idea-until very recently-Abram would be making a little side trip to visit us in Ozark, en route to his duty station on Oahu...and while Grandma was visiting us, too...another bonus...more luck...additional blessings on our heads. Thank you, God...and to all the forces in the universe that brought about this lovely reunion. The photo above was snapped by Yvette, while we supped at Rodeo Mexican Restaurant, one of our favorite local spots to dine. A Abram. "Welcome home, son!"

Monday, November 23, 2009

'tis the Season for giving Thanks

...a blessed long visit with my mutti who is one of the best girl companions this daughter could ever have...receiving news from Tarajean of the upcoming Hawaiian nuptials...Abram's return from Afghanistan after a long deployment...Jeffrey's continued love and support and hearty laugh...Gavin turning 6-months-old... beautiful weather, sunny and dry...lots of new work for Earthshine Giftworks, keeping creative juices flowing...a successful November program for our Master Gardeners...and tomorrow? a road trip to Sarasota to celebrate Thanksgiving with Jessica...the love of family and friends... for all these things I am truly grateful.

Monday, October 12, 2009


September was a good month. Packed full of varied activities it passed with a whoosh and a wheeeee! Starting off, I made a road trip to Charlotte, North Carolina (Aug. 31-Sept. 3), to meet dear friend Eileen at our favorite Super 8 Motel. I gleaned a bunch of inspiration and enjoyed catching up with this long-time sympatico buddy of mine. Preparing for the first Master Gardener meeting (17th) of the new season occupied quite a bit of time; the attention to detail paid off in a major way. Abram turned 21 years old (20th)... in a country far, far away. Jeff and I drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to introduce Jeff to his grandson, Gavin Lee...and we celebrated Jeff's birthday (24th) with Tarajean and the beautiful little GDub at the Cheesecake Factory. The Master Gardeners participated in a work day at the library (19th), my sister Jessica celebrated her 50th birthday..and I devoted additional time getting ready for our CMG booth at the Claybank Jamboree (October 3). Mixed in with all these events, Earthshine Giftworks kept me hopping! Is it any wonder I neglected to keep up with my blog postings? September was a good month.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This little gal is only one small element in a larger card design I worked on yesterday. She was an afterthought...because I needed something with a bit more color. My ladybug is not anatomically correct....but that's the cool thing about being an artist; I can make this bug any color and in any shape I feel like. She's perfect just the way she is.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Morning chores

It's another gorgeous morning in southeastern Alabama...and it was rise and shine at 6:00 a.m. today! After my first cup of coffee I took out the compost...and then dug a new hole to bury the fallen spoiled pears I picked up yesterday. Delighted to find some earthworms, I'm excited that the little guys will be in place to help break down the pear fruit.

Yesterday I laid out my very first "official" Alabama lasagna bed. I tried this method in Kentucky and had good succes with it. I've been reading this gardening book and it's got me excited to make some new gardening beds... and also motivating me to rake lots more yard debris this fall. A girl can never have too many piles of leaves, straw, newspapers, and clumps of sod! I may even try it out this fall with some cool weather vegetable seedlings. I didn't have much luck with my broccoli and cauliflower two years ago...but this new bed gets more maybe that's the key?

Amazon Marketplace is so cool! I just received my gently used copy of Kaufman's Field Guide to Butterflies of North America... and not a moment too soon. While picking up the icky half-eaten and bruised pears for composting, I noticed two beautiful butterflies flitting around the spoiled fruit. They looked similar to the female Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (black with blue and orange spots). But not quite. So I took photos and then started looking for identification in my new field guide. Found it! They're Red-Spotted Purples...and are in the Admiral family. When I read about their habits...there it was! They're spoiled fruit eaters! So gratifying to know that the pears that do not make it to my stove top for freezing are being composted to attract worms and food for Red-Spotted Purples.

Friday, July 31, 2009

DIY Laudry Soap

Folks might ask the question "why?" I'd respond with "why not?" Making something from scratch has always held a mysterious allure for me. Maybe it's because I never had to make everything from scratch and if I'd lived a century ago, I might not be so enthralled with the notion today. Making this laundry soap was easy! The internet is overflowing with search hits on the subject...and many fine bloggers have gone before me with posts and Youtube videos to help newbies like me.

I did a quick cost analysis when I made my last batch (this recipe makes 32 cups of detergent=64 loads of laundry)...and each batch cost me around 77 cents. No, this is not a typo; I meant 77 cents for the entire batch of 32 cups of laundry detergent! I purchased my ingredients at our commissary and it may cost a bit more on the regular economy. Seventy-seven cents per batch comes out to approx .0123 cents per load of wash.

I'm typing the basic recipe here. If you have questions about "how to" you can do a Google search and find numerous recipes and videos to watch. This is just one recipe and it works for me!

Laundry Soap Recipe

1 bar *Ivory soap (finely grated)
*or Fels Naptha...but I was unable to find this brand of bar soap anywhere in our local area
6 cups hot water from the tap

Stir together in old pot, now used exclusively for making laundry soap, over medium-high heat.

Stir periodically until grated soap is completely dissolved.

Add 3/4 c. Washing Soda (not the same as Baking Soda)
and 3/4 c. Borax

Stir until dissolved and remove from heat.

In a large plastic bucket, pour 4 c. very hot tap water. Add your dissolved soap mixture to the bucket and stir well. At this point you can add 1 teaspoon of essential oil for fragrance (optional). I use lemon fragrance; a lovely fresh scent!

Add an additional 1 1/2 gallons of water and stir well.

Recycle an old laundry detergent container and using a funnel, ladle your detergent into the container. Your laundry detergent will thicken and turn into a jello-like substance. Just shake container to liquefy again.

You can see the containers I have used in the above photo -- a large plastic container that I can scoop my measuring cup in and out of from the top...and Coffeemate liquid creamer bottles--recycled.
Use 1/2 cup per load of laundry.

I'd like to give a yell of thanks and appreciation to all the folks who post terrific DIY projects on line--in blogs and YouTube videos. You pave the way for those of us who have the inclination to give it a try at home.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Crazy Girl and Stubby

I had to break the spell! What's up with this no blog writing in over a month? I kept looking at that last entry and saying "I'll update it soon....." And then another day goes by, I think of it a couple days later...and still the photo of me in the pool at Tarajean's and Paul's is staring at me with this look of reprimand and disappointment. OKAY! So, I'm posting this little photo of the break the spell. I think it's working...I feel another blog coming on...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Heading eastward tomorrow

It's been such a great visit! Thanks to Tarajean, Paul and Gavin....I've been made to feel welcome and comfy in Tulsa, Oklahoma! Every time I visit this city, I like it more and more. And now that I have a grandson here? Well, naturally, it's a great place to be. I have lots of fun photos and will post some when I return to Ozark. I plan on stopping in Delaware, Arkansas, on my return trip to hang out with cousin Jon and Linda; will stay the night with them before finishing the longer leg of my journey home to Jeff. Hope everyone had a lovely summer solstice and have found good ways to beat the heat! Until we meet again...stay safe, be well!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bush Gardens, Headland's Daylily Festival

I've been hearing about Headland's Daylily Festival ever since I moved to Alabama. Finally took the opportunity to attend it yesterday! I called Mary Grace and asked if she would like to go with me...and was delighted to know she was ready and willing! We hopped in the Alabama Pick-Up, rolled down the windows and headed out for Bush Gardens! The day was a bit warm but it was so worth it. The flowers were gorgeous and abundant...and I purchased a Bamboo Ruffles, Warrior Prince, Big Apple and some Society Garlic (I'm giving up on my Agapanthus--which I can't get to bloom!) The owner of Bush Garden, Mike Bush, was very generous and made a donation to our Master Gardeners group, when he heard I wanted to buy some of his variegated ivy for planting at the Ozark Library. Thank you, Mr. Bush!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Even before summertime is official, this sunny season arrives in Alabama on the heels of spring. It slides in the screen door, hoping to remain unnoticed for a bit longer...but we are onto you Summer. You bring warmer days and balmy evenings. I say "good evening" to green frogs and mosquitos on the front porch at night. And best of all? The local stores bring in their beautiful bounty of annual flowers...ready to plant and decorate our yards. The window of opportunity for planting is NOW...before the temperatures are hot enough to peel paint off the barn.

Hello, Summer!

Monday, April 20, 2009

White. A Blank Page or Canvas... many possibilities.
(Thank you Stephen Sondheim...."Sunday in the Park with George.")

Saturday, April 18, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I missed out seeing these Iris beauties last year while I was cavorting in Washington State with my brother, Matthew...and my firlgriend, Lorie Joey. Jeff was kind enough to photograph them for I wouldn't go through a complete springtime flower withdrawal and I appreciated it. This year I am able to see them and photograph them for myself and they're as beautiful as ever.

After following a wonderful Seattle photographer's blog for several weeks...I was inspired to create my own "signature stamp" for some of my photos. And the sand dollar image is one I've had on my List of the things to draw for a long while. So I converged the two inspirations and came up with this art stamp image. I uploaded it to my Adobe brush presets....and Voila! I can digitally stamp it anywhere.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter, Everyone!

Jeff and I are heading to Sarasota in the morning! My sister, Jessica, has already got us a brunch date for Easter...and fishing poles for Jeff to fish right from the shore. I'm looking forward to visiting with my sister, spending time with Jeff ... walking/jogging along the beach...reading a good book or two... relaxation and rejuvenation!

Monday, April 6, 2009

A peek inside Earthshine Giftworks

I like this little slide show I put together awhile back. Even before I started blogging on any regular basis, I was making these slide shows as vinettes, representing my day-to-day life. The music is the ribbon than ties the photos up together in one neat package. This slide show started out being a collection of photos depicting Earthshine Giftworks; pictures of my studio, a sampling of my products, the supplies I use to create my wares. But after I culled some of these photos, I started adding in other photos that delighted my eye...and really are, in a peripheral way...all about Earthshine Giftworks, too. These are the things that give me inspiration and provide sustenance. And this song by Imogen Heap? When I first heard it...I was mesmerized. Seemed a perfect fit.

Friday, April 3, 2009

In the Pink!

It's been years since I first heard the expression, "Bloom Where You're Planted." Being a military wife, the phrase held special meaning. It's a life affirming statement that I liken to "seize the moment!" So, it applies regardless of how long I have lived at my current address.

I have always wanted to design something special to celebrate this sentiment. Nothing came to me, creatively speaking...that was worthy. Fast forward many years. The place is our quarters, Fort Campbell, Kentucky. In my cement driveway I see this morning glory in full bloom (a seed that had "volunteered" from the previous year's potted plant I had growing nearby) I knew I had the right photo for one of my favorite quotes. This flower did not let a lack of soil deter it from its right and natural course...and it "bloomed where it was planted!"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Spring Showers

Is it any wonder that we have a lot of greenery here in the southeastern part of the U.S.? I read somewhere just recently that Alabama is the wettest state in the lower 48. On average, Alabama gets 55 inches of rain per year (Mobile gets 65 inches)...compared to Seattle's mere 37 inches. Even during a drought year, Alabama gets more rain than its sisters and brothers.

This video was taken yesterday, March 28, 2009. Today is a gloriously sunny spring day. The lake has receded closer to its normal levels, the kayak is at rest on solid ground and the bog lilies beneath the catalpa (catawba) tree are drying out their feet.

I really do love spring in this part of the country. Other places I've lived offer a charade of spring. Often cruel in its intentions. But Alabama invites me to start anew...sincere in its welcome to begin fresh...and maybe a bit chagrined, knowing what's to come and begging me to enjoy its offerings before the summer thermostat gets cranked up to HIGH.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Doing our part!

Day 2 and the taxes are almost done. Finished the Federal Returns and then dove right in to get to the Alabama and Idaho returns. Didn't even let the ink dry on the first set of completed papers (so to speak). It's all over now except for the shoutin'! I'm not sure why I'm not more upset by the results of this years returns. Usually this whole experience leaves me feeling depressed. Oh that's right! I quit smoking...and nothing can compete with how I was feeling depressed over THAT loss. Turns out it was the perfect precursor for doing taxes...and I guess I'm numb to the feelings of pain...and paying. I'm looking at the bright side...which is that we're lucky to be doing well enough-financially-that we owe our government money. And we know there are soooo many good causes that our money can be used for.
Oh! And please remember!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Looking ahead

I like this photo of myself. It represents how I feel in my life...a sense of expectancy...heading somewhere...on the lookout...just up around the corner. But I've got my coffee in I'm fine where I this moment, it's good. The sun is shining, I'm wearing shorts, the sky is blue...and I'm sure there's a song in my heart...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Jeff says I need to have faith

...that I can beat this thing. He's not a religious guy...but has oodles of good advice about having faith and following our heart and doing the right thing. Mostly Jeff just wants to see me succeed in this, my latest challenge. He says cool stuff like "once you make up your mind to do something, Kim, you'll do it!" He cringes when I talk negative crap about myself...but knows that it's not really me who's saying these things...but the alien who has moved in temporarily....the alien who doesn't LIKE that I've given up smoking. Anyway, I do have to remind myself that something was telling me to quit. Some strong inner voice...and I was listening that day. No one in their right mind WANTS to quit....that's just crazy. So, now I pay the piper...for my many years of self abuse. Now...or later. I say let's get this horrid habit out of the way now...and enjoy the rest of my life without it. Yup. That's what I say. Sixteen days and still counting...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I am a non-smoker

Today marks one week. I'm a little stunned and still in shock (and still going through a bit of withdrawal--although they say the worst is over). Little did I know when I woke up a week ago, smoked my ritualistic morning cigarettes...drank coffee and prepared to go out to Dale Co. Lake with Jeff for a little run....that I would never smoke again. How does a person (more specifically ME) go from a 31-year habit/ quitting Cold Turkey and saying, "I'm done?" Well, it really was as simple as that. I'm shaking my head and wondering why it took me this long to do it. It's all about fear, facing the fear and overcoming the fear. I still have new habits to form and a couple of challenges ahead. But according to Joel at if I focus on the "one day at a time" philosophy...I'll work on those future challenges when they're in front of me and in the meantime, never take another puff.
Christmas card for 2008 - My family!
Jessica, Jeff, Tarajean and Matt
Clark, Ryan and Abram
Liz, Blake, Margaret (Mom) and Caprice
Daryl (Dad), Kathy, Dillon
Christopher, Carol, Joe and Kimberly

Thursday, January 15, 2009

This blog is for Eileen!

Just in case you drop in to my blog, Eileen....I'm writing this for you! Have been a blob on the blog lately...using my time to check in to FaceBook since so many family members (Jeff's) have been writing there. And I actually got to IM with Abram the other morning...on FaceBook. Is it any wonder I check in more frequently now? (Abram's doing good, by the way. Working and getting settled in...and keeping an upbeat attitude. He may or may not be staying at Bagram Air Base...but for now, he's there and it's not a horrible place to be, relatively speaking :-)

I'll be in Tulsa, with Tarajean...for the inauguration...while you are in your studio working. And then I'll be on the road headed back to Ozark while you are heading to CHA. I wish you a VERY good CHA....and lots of luck with procuring new projects! You are AMAZING, Bean!

Thanks for your email and sharing with me about the beautiful calligraphied name tags and place settings. So happy to hear that someone else did ALL the die cutting. HA That's a LOT OF WORK! And again, your calligraphy is stunningly gorgeous! Keep up the great work...and good luck with your meeting with the "save the date" gals. I know they're going to LOVE your stuff. Who wouldn't? It's beautifully creative and professional...

Okay, need to get some stuff in order for my long road trip...a quick trip to the commissary is in order...and packing up my sewing machine to work on a project in Tulsa...while Tarajean is working.

Oh...and I just checked in to your Blog...and shaking my head laughing....reading about your work hours. I am TOAST by 10 p.m....and if I could adopt your kind of schedule...AND be creative...I'd switch in a heartbeat.

I've started a new project....and will post it for you to see after we chat and I catch you up to date on the "life of Tarajean." She's doing good, Eileen.... and, well, let's see. I'm thinking I can give you a hint about what's happening in her life....but you only get one guess as to what it might be. So here's your clue: If you could name one thing...that brings you joy, like nothing else can...what would it be?

I love you, Eileen...and I miss you and think of you all of the time. I'm so glad you liked your "poppet." xoxoxoxoxox