Friday, December 25, 2009

December 25

This drawing project has been a long time coming. The original idea for the window graphic came from a photo that I took while down in Seaside, Florida, with my sister, Jessica. We walked around the quaint town by the ocean, admiring peoples porches and windows and gardens...taking photographs and enjoying the mild temperatures. It was April and the confederate jasmine was in full bloom (an entire month earlier than our confederate jasmine blush here in zone 8). This window box caught my eye, with its gorgeous deep reddish orange geraniums...and a whimsical iron sculpture of a funny little man in the garden beneath the window (not pictured or drawn here). The photo wasn't all that good. But the window and the idea of using it for a drawing subject someday has stayed with me. Flash forward 8 years; took me awhile to sit down and begin the drawing....but I did...and I like it. The original is non-Christmasy without a cutout for the be used for note card art.

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