Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

 Verklempt, that’s me. On Veterans Day, there are so many people to thank and a multitude of memories to be contemplated. First and foremost I want to thank the people closest to me who have served our great country. Jeff Ylitalo, Abram Ylitalo, Christopher B. Lewis, Dad, Cameron Ylitalo, Les-Barb Francisco-Cayko, Korena, and Frank Rosco (RIP).
Our neighborhood magazine, South Tulsa Living, asked if they could interview Jeff and write a piece for their November issue, honoring veterans. Jeff is by nature a quiet man and not much for pounding his own chest or beating his own drum (you get my drift). A humble guy. And I love him for it. I’m so glad he agreed to be interviewed. And the photos (apart from the large Apache helicopter photograph, which I snagged from the web) are all from our personal library of pictures. Thank you, Jill VanTrease, for your wordsmithing, and South Tulsa Living for the honor.
with gratitude and more,
CLICK HERE to read original article in PDF format.

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