After a fairly easy start, this week's challenge ramps it up a bit. I've never been one to go to the gym often...but these requirements make the gym my "home away from home" this week. When I found out that I get to meet my dear friend, Eileen, in Charlotte, NC, later this week....I experienced a bit of angst. How am I going to cram all of this physical training into just a few days? Turns out my anxiety was all for not. Here's how you do it, Kim. Start the day with an hour-long Yoga/Pilates fusion class. Then hop over to the weight room and do 3 sets of a 10-item list of weight training exercises (thanks, Yvette, for showing me the ropes on these machines!)....then move into the other room and do 2 sets of 4-laps walking lunges (which equals a total of 64 lunges with my long legs). There! That's how to do it. Tomorrow I'll hit the 7 p.m. step aerobics class...and get a 30-minute swim in and another weight training session on Wednesday, after the Master Gardner class. I feel better already, just knowing I can fulfill the week's exercises.
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