Monday, September 1, 2008

40-minute cooking rice challenge

Just got back from the gym and successfully finished my cardio interval challenge on the treadmill. Then I performed the challenge move of the week --"push ups on the ball." I wrapped up the work out by finishing off my 32 oz. bottle of water and stretching most muscles in my body for 10 full minutes (easy to do if you stop to take the time but often times skipped if I'm in a hurry).
So you're probably asking yourself, "what does this have to do with cooking rice?" I'm getting to it. I was so energized after my work out, coupled with the fact that Jeffrey had just put on a fresh pot of coffee...that I decided I would see how many small domestic chores I could accomplish in the short time it takes to cook brown rice, ergo, the 40-minute challenge.

Here's what I was able to do...and I sure am proud of myself:
1. Take out the compost (which was starting to overflow the porcelain pot)
2. Fill the bird feeders
3. Windex the glass top patio table
4. Take up all the recycle for pick up in the early a.m.
5. Empty all household trash and wheel the trash can up to the curb
5. Scrub two toilets and clean one bathroom mirror and counter top
6. Water several of the potted plants and the day lilies in containers that I'm trying to keep alive so I can put them in the ground AFTER I kill the lawn where they need to be planted
7. Check my e-mail
8. Put a load of laundry in the washer
9. Drink a cup of the delicious coffee
10. Fill Stubby's dish with fresh water

Ding! Ding! That's the sound of the stove timer going off, letting me know it's time to cook dinner.

Let me know if you ever take the 40-minute rice cooking challenge. I'd love to hear what you accomplish with your 40-minutes

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