I think this calendar art by Karen H. Goode and recycled here to be the front and back covers and the tabs of the book, make the project. The use of various yarns and ribbons heighten all the fun calendar colors. The tin can lid attached with the ball chain gives the piece heart and an additional bit of eye candy. The back cover shows off my carved eraser rubber stamp of the 3-R's and my heart-shaped arrows drawing and signature.
v. con·served, con·serv·ing, con·serves
a. To protect from loss or harm; preserve: calls to conserve our national heritage in the face of bewildering change.
b. To use carefully or sparingly, avoiding waste: kept the thermostat lower to conserve energy.
2. To keep (a quantity) constant through physical or chemical reactions or evolutionary changes.
3. To preserve (fruits) with sugar.
To economize: tried to conserve on fuel during the long winter.