...to jog a bit further each time I go out before stopping to walk. Three years ago, I was working toward a 5K. I ran the 5K and was very comfortable with jogging 3 miles 2-3 times each week. Then I injured myself...three summers ago and I haven't run 3 miles since.
Lots has happened in my life since that summer long ago in Ozark, Alabama. Jeff has retired from the Army. We've moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to be near Tarajean and Paul and GDub. Gavin turned 3 in May this year. Abram finished his commitment to the Navy, went to Afghanistan a second time and has decided to make Maryland his home for now. We bought a little fishing cabin in Lake George, Colorado, and it provides a wonderful place for Jeff to commune with nature and spend time with his Mom and brother.
Most noteworthy is my recent diagnosis of breast cancer. I was operated on in April, and am going through radiation therapy currently. It is all going very well. I feel great considering everything and will be receiving these treatment for another 5 weeks. Following the RT I will start hormone blocking cancer drugs and continue taking them for five years.
I feel like I won the lottery. Caught early, while still under 1 cm, and from all tests performed doesn't look like it spread outside the breast area. Chemotherapy was not a recommendation. I won this round.
Thanks to friend, Laurie Jo, I have enjoyed the perfect exercise regime from a program called "Fit by Nature" by John Colver at AdventX.com. This book starts us out with a Daily Dozen set of exercises that are done in 12 minutes. Since starting them in early April (before my surgery), I can feel the difference in my body and overall strength. I haven't been true to the 'daily' part of Daily Dozen...but usually manage them 3-4 times a week along with additional cardio of walking/jogging, swimming, or yard work. I love the Dirty Dozen, oops, I mean Daily Dozen, or DDs for short.
Today I went out for my walk/jog and decided to jog at the beginning, then walk, then finish with jogging. I ran the first mile without stopping, walked 1/2 mile and then finished jogging the 1/2 mile back home. This is my personal best since that injury almost three years ago. Would like to think of this little accomplishment as an allegory for the challenge ahead....finishing my RT with good results....staying strong...and being cancer free with a long life of good health ahead of me.
Thanks, Jeffrey. I couldn't have done any of this with as much positive panache without you!
Here's to Us!
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