Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Easter, Everyone!

Jeff and I are heading to Sarasota in the morning! My sister, Jessica, has already got us a brunch date for Easter...and fishing poles for Jeff to fish right from the shore. I'm looking forward to visiting with my sister, spending time with Jeff ... walking/jogging along the beach...reading a good book or two... relaxation and rejuvenation!


eileen hull said...

Cute littler chickie! Yes, it was "tyour Val" I was talking about. Sounds like we are leading parallel lives! Shots in our old age :-) Why not? Have a fun weekend with your sister. The girls and respective boyfriends will be here too so it'll be fun. ttys

rhonda edgar said...

Have a terrific time! Will you be looking for any of those great shells? Happy Easter!
Love the chick :~)

eileen hull said...

How was your Easter? Sounds like your sister had everything lined up for
Stuff is crazy here. Trying to get a bunch of things done before I get Trinity. Am going to CA to see Jess's place first and then on to KS to pick up the child :-) Can't wait. ttys