September was a good month. Packed full of varied activities it passed with a whoosh and a wheeeee! Starting off, I made a road trip to Charlotte, North Carolina (Aug. 31-Sept. 3), to meet dear friend Eileen at our favorite Super 8 Motel. I gleaned a bunch of inspiration and enjoyed catching up with this long-time sympatico buddy of mine. Preparing for the first Master Gardener meeting (17th) of the new season occupied quite a bit of time; the attention to detail paid off in a major way. Abram turned 21 years old (20th)... in a country far, far away. Jeff and I drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma, to introduce Jeff to his grandson, Gavin Lee...and we celebrated Jeff's birthday (24th) with Tarajean and the beautiful little GDub at the Cheesecake Factory. The Master Gardeners participated in a work day at the library (19th), my sister Jessica celebrated her 50th birthday..and I devoted additional time getting ready for our CMG booth at the Claybank Jamboree (October 3). Mixed in with all these events, Earthshine Giftworks kept me hopping! Is it any wonder I neglected to keep up with my blog postings? September was a good month.