Friday, November 21, 2008

Short Poem for the day!

“How did it get so late so soon?
Its night before its afternoon.
December is here before its June.
My goodness how the time has flewn.
How did it get so late so soon?”

- Dr. Seuss

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fun day at the Craft Show!

The new Picasa 3 program has wonderful NEW & improved upgraded applications! Collage making is a joy using this new program. Check it out and download for free at:

Getting the house spruced up for my Mom's visit

I love cleaning the sweet anticipation of a special person coming to visit us. Even though I saw my Mom this past's been close to two years since Mom has been to visit us in Ozark. What a treat. Mom and I will do a road trip down to Sarasota to spend Thanksgiving with my sister, Jessica (a new arrival to Florida)...and then we'll do another road trip down to Fort Walton Beach to visit my brother and his girlfriend.

All right then, I'm back to cleaning. Black-eyed peas are cooking on the stove top and I need one more cup of espresso (Thank you, sweet neighbor, for the latest batch of magical elixir). Tomorrow is meal planning and shopping for food...and Saturday is cooking--gotta try this new Hummingbird Cake recipe I just found. I'm in my happy place!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I'm so proud of you, Jeffrey! Hoo-ah!

Instructor of the Year Ceremony
Army Aviation Museum, Fort Rucker, Alabama
November 13, 2008
Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Gorgeous Autumn Sunday

It only takes a minute (or so I've recently read) to jot a couple personal notes. So here is me, giving this a try.
I'm starting to tweak a bit, getting ready for this craft show on Saturday (Happy Birthday, Mom! I'll be thinking of you the entire day while at the show.) So, I'm working on mental relaxation and not letting my "freaking out" thoughts get the best of me. I've done this before, I may do it again...and I'm thinking how lovely it would be not to "go there!" Deep breath...look out my studio window at the pristine calm of the lake...clear sky of blue....another deep breath, in.....out. I've got the day by the tail...not the other way around. And I'm likin' it!

View from my front porch throne